Monday, May 21, 2012

Gay Marriage...

Nothing Wrong with marriage, hetero or homo

... Really shouldn't be an issue, and especially not this big of an issue, but here we are.

First, I hope this find everyone well. Also, I would love feedback of any kind on this blog either below or on the social media sites where I post this. Finally, don't be surprised if this gets added to or updated as time goes on.

So Gay Marriage and Civil Unions have been all over the news lately, mostly because actions taken in North Carolina and, unfortunately, in Colorado. Both are insane to me, and Colorado just shocks me, not only the final outcome, but what was and could be done to avoid the outcome roughly 3/4 of Americans want (support either gay marriage and/or civil unions, here's one example of gay marriage support from 2011). It's going to be a big deal come election time, even though I thought we were past this. So I'm going to share my responses for what I've heard as reasons to deny homosexuals marriage, then I'll share why I support it... If you have an addition argument for either side, I would love to hear it.

The Bible's definition of Marriage is spot on... not...
- The most talked argument against gay marriage has always been religion and the bible. This boggles my mind in so many ways. First of all, the Bible is a book. It's not a book of things that actually happened. You can tell me it is, but without any proof or evidence, you're wrong. Some of it might have happened, some of it seems possible even, but you're going to tell me bushes can talk, men can part large bodies of water, and people come back to life.? I understand the point of the stories in the bible, and not saying you shouldn't take lessons and knowledge from it, but don't claim that it's wrong in there and, therefore, wrong in civilization. If we did everything by the bible, there wouldn't really be rapists, just husbands. If we did everything mentioned in this 2000 year old book, slavery would still exist. If we did what was acceptable per the bible, people would not be nice to a lot of people because of self righteous action that would be taken and rewarded... Basically, what I'm saying is you can't pick and choose what you want to use from the bible and what you don't... if you're claiming that's the reason you do something, you better be doing more than denying a certain group of people their rights... By the way, a note from a friend who knows the bible better than anyone else I've met, "... I never actually read that Jesus condemned homosexuality either, although Paul did later on, but his quotes have often been taken out of context (again to "prove" someone's already prejudiced side)". I'm not against religion (many, MANY pros do exist), I am against using it in the land of the free and free of religious rule to hold a group of people down...

... Oh yeah, and I'm pretty sure every religion, even those that have no opinion on gay marriage, revolve around "the golden rule"... Which apparently needs repeating: "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" (in Christianity, that is how I've heard it recited). How would you feel if a small group of people were holding you "down" because something written long ago "told" them is was wrong? Think about it a second before reading on...

Update - 3/26/2013 - Another thoughts: Our country is not ran by any religion, so even if you think it's morally wrong, it shouldn't matter. I'm not going to claim I know any religion very well, but isn't the judgment left to the higher powers, and not us? So quit judging and let people celebrate their love in the traditional manner... if they go to hell, well, that's their problem, not yours.

Marriage so pure, we don't want to ruin it... Give me a break...
- "The sanctity of marriage will be ruined..." Vs. now? What part? Please clear this up for me... From what I understand, gay marriage will lessen your marriage by... uh... hmm... I guess I don't know. Per Wikipedia, "Marriage (also called matrimony or wedlock) is a social union or legal contract between people that creates kinship. The definition of marriage varies according to different cultures, but is usually an institution in which interpersonal relationships, usually intimate and sexual, are acknowledged."... I didn't see anything in there specifying gender. Yes, I know that the dictionary mentions "a man and a women", but it all mentions "a similar institution involving partners of the same gender", so don't even try that argument. So marriage is "a contract" or an agreement by two consenting partners... makes sense to me. I've heard extreme arguments that if we do this, what's to stop someone from marrying a goat or a chair? Yes, it's getting that ridiculous, but to answer the question: consent. Agreement is what holds a contract, and a horse or a table can't agree to anything because it has no conscious being. So, the agreement is still there, and I don't see any sanctity ruined there...

Oh Rush, you are so creditable... not.
... Is it just me, or are a number of the people complaining about gay marriage and it's purity the biggest hypocrites you ever saw? Rush Limbaugh comes to mind. He claims that President Obama is going to lead a war on traditional marriage... really? This coming from the guy who's been married four times, the previous three ending in divorce? Come on guys, anyone who's been divorced has lost any credibility is talking about "the sanctity of marriage." "Till death does us part" apparently means "When I don't want to work on it anymore"... I'm not sure what the divorce rate in this country is anymore, though I know it's high, but I bet that gay marriage would actually lower that rate... look how many gay couples stay together (and raise families) without the title of "married"... So if you think about it, absolutely nothing will change with the legalization (in this regard)... "cosmic..."

- "The health insurance mandate would place new burdens on employers who offer group insurance (if civil union is legalized)... What?! How does this even make sense? The article sited goes on to say, "Expensive treatments for AIDS and other serious maladies would necessarily escalate premium prices, and a couple of instances in one business could force the employer to drop health coverage for all.".. First of all, the writer of this is stuck in the 80's when this became know as a "issue", but I'll go on record and say most homosexuals practice safe sex, so the AIDS comment is totally asinine and ignorant. Secondly, you're going to deny people health coverage because of who their with? How many heterosexuals get sick? How many have Sexual Transmitted Diseases (STDs)? Why do they get health coverage and others don't? What the author also failed to recognize is these people already get healthcare, but their partner would be covered some other way (like their own job), so if anything, this might be able to reduce coverage (as I feel that couples and families are given a lesser amount at times then a single person would)... This argument holds no water, just like the rest.

Again, if there any more, let me know, as I still want to know what's so damn scary about something that has no impact on any non homosexual whatsoever...

You've heard why Gay Marriage/Civil Unions shouldn't be banned, but why should they be allowed? Here we go...

- Who are we to deny love for one another? Seriously? Isn't love unplanned, unpredictable, and unprecedented in feeling? Isn't love spontaneous and wonderful? Why are we denying that? How would you feel if you were denied the chance to make a legal binding commitment to the one that means more to you then you mean to yourself? Why does anyone have the right to stop two lovers from being together and having the same feeling others due? When you come up with an argument for that, you know where I'll be.

Have we not learned a thing?  Really?
- Civil Rights! Dur... I am SHOCKED at the number of women and "minorities" that do not support Civil Unions and Gay Marriage... Maybe it's just me, but weren't your rights denied a while back? And weren't you mad about it (as you should have been)? Didn't you fight for it? Were one of the claims that you're people too? Well, that applies here. I believe that women and "minorities" still aren't treated as equal in some situations, and I don't think it's fair, so how can you do the same thing to homosexuals? How is it different? I look forward to your response. And I don't think it should be news that the NAACP supports gay marriage, but I'm glad they do.

- I'm going to put my "greedy CEO" hat on for a minute and share a thought... "for the money"! Seriously, our economy is not really doing all that well, so why not help improve that by letting some of the biggest money spenders add to it with a wedding? I realize saying that and the following is stereotypical, and I apologize for any offense, but I feel it will help illustrate my point better. Traditionally, homosexuals can be put into the "DINK" demographic... meaning "Duel Income, No Kids". These people have a lot of disposable income, income they could pump into a wedding and the decorations, cake, venue, outfits, and so on. Homosexuals have also been known to be very fashionable and have exquisite taste, and spending top dollar for quality... all adding to more money in the economy and more money for many businesses, directly and indirectly (someone has to create the materials used for the decorating, right?)... Besides, can you imagine if Elton John got married in the US? Can you imagine how awesome the set up would be, and how much press and interest there would be? I have to think it would be a ton of fun, and I would want an invite.

I'm not the only one who feels this way...
This is the tip of the iceberg, there are many, MANY more reason people should be allowed to marry people, regardless of what others say. In reality, gay marriage and civil unions have no affect on the day to day lives of a large number of people. I have a gay brother, and you know how our relationship has changed since he "came out of the closet?" NONE. I'm not worried that his friends will hit on me (in fact, I'm REALLY flattered when a gay guy hits on me), we still hang out, play video games, drink beer, and even talk about women (just with a little different perspective). And you know what? If he brings a guy home or to hang out, cool, doesn't affect me in any way, shape or form. And you know what else? I wouldn't want to hear about my brother's sex life if he was straight or gay, and even the "flaming" homosexuals don't have sex in public, so again, it has no affect on my life. So really, why shouldn't (these) people be happy and share love?

Thanks for reading what I have to say about this. Again, input is welcome and appreciated, even if I don't agree. Make sure to follow my "Gay Marriage" Pintrest board for more fun pictures and quotes regarding this topic (I'll get better about updating soon)...

... Oh, and Coloradoans, feel free to let our state speak of the house, Frank McNulty, know how you feel about his recent tactics regarding civil unions on his webpage (phone number also included). Update 3/26/2013 - This no longer applies as Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper has signed the bill approving civil unions in Colorado!... Now let's hope things go well Today in the Supreme Court...