Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Election 2012...

Who will be the President in 2013?  Barack Obama or Mitt Romney?
... Can't wait for this to be over.

Anyone else sick of all the political ads? Seriously, I don't watch much TV, but every time I do, I hear about some candidate doing something. Let's just vote already...

... Or maybe not. I feel most Americans don't really do any research anymore about who to vote for. We hear things on TV, and maybe the radio, but that's about it. I feel like people don't discuss politics because they get too angry. That's a shame.

This blog will go on for a bit, and there will be many thoughts shared, but if you take two things away from this reading, let it be:

1) Do your research, and 2) VOTE!

Make sure you vote!!
I know some of you will claim that you do research, but I'm telling you right now, watching Fox News and/or MSNBC is not enough. These two stations, while actually reporting news, do swing a certain and opposing ways when reporting on politics, so things can be a little skewed. Also, quit sending e-mail and posting pictures on facebook/social media that have no citation go along with it. The other day, I got an e-mail talking about how Michelle and the Obama girls were wearing South African apparel during the Olympics, accompanied by a picture of the ladies wearing blankets, jackets, and shirts saying South Africa... So I took three minutes and Googled "Michelle Obama" and "South Africa"... Sure enough, the ladies were in South Africa back in June of 2012 (the link is the first link that appeared when Googled). Again, do your research, don't believe everything you see or hear.

To go along with that, make sure you're voting for someone because of what they're about, not soley because you don't want to vote for someone else. This election especially has been bad about this. It has turned into hate for Obama (You don't think he proved he was a US citizen before his time in office in Chicago and for the US? Still? Really? Come on, give your country more credit than that). Watch people's cars. You'll see more "Obama Out of Office" stickers than you will "Romney in Office" stickers... Seriously, you'll be surprised. Under this logic, you would rather have Hitler in office than Obama... correct? See? You come off as a hate filled ignoramus. Hence, doing your research is important on why to vote for some one, not just the reason to vote them out.

Can't moan and groan if you don't vote!
And listen, I know things may not be ideal in this country sometimes, but if you don't vote, you really have no right to complain. Trust me, I understand that voting can seem insignificant and as a waste of time, but if more people start voting, and get the momentum going, it will matter a lot more. Always remember that politicians will be looking for re-election, and therefore, will always take public opinion into consideration. So, with that said, make sure to register/update/confirm your voter registration by October 9th (for Colorado citizens, go to

Thanks for reading!.. Seriously, if you stopped here, I would be happy. but, if you're interested in reading more, great! I'm now going to talk a little about why I'm voting for Obama, both due to his stance and why I would never vote his opponent (and why no one really should). Hold on tight.

Barack Obama
First, want to see what Obama has done so far? Make sure you spend a few minutes on

I know that the economy keeps coming up... why wouldn't it? But you have to remember that Obama inherited that issue, he didn't create it. And in the past four years, things have gotten better thanks to work Obama's administration has completed.

Listen, I'm not huge on paying taxes. Like you, I don't like having anything taken out of my paycheck. But also like you, I like having maintained roads to drive on and police to enforce the laws. I think everyone does. Obama thinks those who use should all pay their fair share, as he stated in his last "State of the Union" address. Taxes currently and potential fund a lot of great things for our country and our citizens, so why get rid of them? Hence, let's pay our fair share and use taxes to help further fund our economy!

Healthcare is huge... for everyone all the time. "Obamacare" isn't bad and won't really affect some of you (for a while), you just need to understand it. Check out the Wikipedia page and see for your self (look into the citations if interested). Not only will this help with healthcare costs for those that are uninsured, but it will also help with reducing the need for medicare in the future... Which means either fewer withdrawls from your paycheck and/or that money going elsewhere... Funny how this has worked in other countries too...

Mitt Romney
Now, why wouldn't you vote for Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan? This part is easy in my opinion, and I'm going to share it by different demographics... ready?

First, as I'm sure my faithful reader will be shocked to see (I'm being sarcastic), is the LGBT community. Obama came out and said he support Gay Marriage and Civil Unions. Romney went out of his way to say the exact opposite once Obama said he was in support... Really? What kind of guys comes out and says something like that, just to differential from his opponent? I know he actually believes that the constitutional definition of marriage is between a man and a woman (since marriage is defined in the constitution and all...), but that's just it, it's a belief. Why should your beliefs hold down other people in a place where we are proud of freedom? Isn't the belief that God will judge and sort this out... Now, I am aware that the states are in charge of marriage laws, I get that. But you don't think the President influences those decisions? Are you crazy? ... Okay, enough beating of dead horse... after all, this isn't news to any of you.

Second, let's talk about "minorities" (I use quotes because the "minority" is quickly becoming the "majority", and that's not a bad thing). The first thing that comes to mine is the beginning of fairer treatment. Your predecessors had to fight for it, no doubt. And their fight has been everyone's gain. Same is going to go for gay marriage. This is a civil rights issue. How can you support someone who doesn't believe in civil rights? That alone should infuriate you, but I'll keep going. Did anyone else notice how many minorities were at the RNC vs. the DNC? Romeny doesn't really seem to be putting a lot of effort into non white voters, slightly increasing time and resources recently... I wonder how minorities feel about Romeny's "fake tan" during a recent Univision event (even if it was an actual tan and/or make up, you have to admit it's suspicious...)

Michelle Obama vs. Ann Romney, who would you prefer as the first lady?
Third, Women. See the above because the civil rights issues in this country recently affected the ladies... and it still does. And I can't believe how big of an issue abortion is in this country. It's not like we're not on our way to being over populated. Again, this comes down to beliefs. But we're not going to allow abortion even in cases of rape ("legitimate" or not)? How does that make sense? The father obviously had some kind of issue, there could be physical ones as well. And you think raising a kid that was not even considered and associated with a traumatic event in a women's life won't have a negative effect on the whole family? Are you mad? That's one of example of how being born would have a horrible consequences for all involved, and if something isn't alive, why would you want it to be? Now, I know Romney has said he is okay with abortion for women in cases of rape and incest, and maybe it's just me, but Romney is starting to look like someone who will say anything to get elected and be a push over once in office... To go along with this, Romney doesn't seem to understand that women's health differs from Men and requires different resources... Makes me wonder if his wife is getting the care she needs...

Fourth, let's go with the middle class, or even the 99 percent. Romney's tax plan, any way he says it, hurts the middle class one way or another. Anyway you slice it, the "arithmetic" does not make sense.

Finally, how many times has he fumbled over his own words? The "47% percent of Americans" comment at a fundraiser, anyway you look at it, is a debacle. Things like this make me feel like he doesn't really care about America, or the position for the right reasons... Also makes me wonder how easily he can be bought out... The fact that his campaign is being annoyed by "fact checkers" should raise a red flag.

So basically, if you're a rich, white, straight man, by all means, vote for Romney. He has you (and his own) best interests in mind. Bill Clinton said it best during his speech at the DNC: If you want a winner-take- all, you’re-on-your-own society, you should support the Republican ticket. Unfortunately, that's completely true...

So there you go, for those reason and more, I'm voting Barack Obama and Joe Biden come November 6th, but as I said in the beginning, don't take my word for it... Go out, do your own research, and VOTE! That's the American way...