Thursday, December 20, 2012


Anyone else think Joe Quimby is the stereotypical politician?
... Isn't this one of the topics we're not suppose to talk about?

Well, I figured it was time for me to talk about it... again! Yes, again, I wrote about it YEARS ago on MySpace (remember Myspace?.. You're old) If you want to check out my writing from five years ago, here's the link: I'll tell you this much though, a lot hasn't changed...

Still leaning very liberal... In fact, probably more so than five years ago. I feel that right now, "Small Government" would lead to a lot more corruption and greed since there would be fewer checks and balances... Right now, we need innovative actions and we need the Government's help to get there. The American people need politicians who will do what's right for the U.S.A., not for themselves. We need politicians that will get off their high horse and see how the average family lives... and we need politicians who will push for the tough decisions and unfavorable calls... I've mentioned that I'm a registered Democrat, but I do not want to call myself that... In fact, I want nothing to do with either party... That's part of the problem, "I'm doing this because my party" is WAY too common in politics and needs to stop.

The outcome of facebook political debates...
Before I go any further, a big shout out to all my facebook friends who jumped into a political discussions on my post about voting. I hope this blog does the same thing and generate some discussion, not arguing... I've given you a topic, now discuss!

One of the biggest debate in politics right now seems to be taxes, the fiscal cliff, and the debt ceiling... And I, for one, am willing to have more money taken out of my paycheck to add to programs and create new programs to help American's poor and rich. Obama recently mentioned a plan in one of his speeches that major corporations and individuals making over $250,000/year don't pay the same tax percentage as the 98% of the nation does... I still cannot figure out why that's fair or who thought that was a good idea. Why would the people who make the most money not have to pay as much in taxes? Please, seriously, tell me. Okay, maybe their kid's don't go to public schools, but I have a feeling that they take advantage of other tax programs, including libraries, law enforcement, and roads, to name a few. I bet some of these people are enjoying the benefits of medicare and social security. I would wager some of these people like to check out the state parks and have seen monuments like Mount Rushmore and the Statue of Liberty. I am even willing to say that some of them indulge by going to a high school football game or high school production/play (I'm aware these are not 100% tax funded, but you better believe there's some tax payer money in there)... So why don't rich people have to pay taxes like everyone else? I know we've all heard how Warren Buffet pays less in taxes then his office assistant, both percentage and actual amount (and I'm not going to confirm that's true), but just the thought that could be possible should outrage you as a citizen. And why are these mega corporations, that treat their employees worse than even, getting tax breaks? Where's that money going (we know the answer)?.. I hear the concern that raising taxes will cause more cuts from businesses and people could lose their jobs, but isn't that happening now? And if consumers take back the power, corporations are going to be forced to find other cost cutting measures besides layoffs and reduction in quality, because consumers will not stand for that... In Addition, with more taxes, the Government could help people out more if there were lay offs (temporarily as things balance out). I know some of you are thinking "there is no way this could work"... Well, it has once... When Clinton was President and he had the Reagan/Bush years to compensate for... Think about that. There's no doubt that we need to keep our credit rating and actually start adding money rather than making more and more cuts ... because that seems to be working oh so well...(it boils down to a balance sheet: Assets = Equity + Liabilities... Keep that in mind). Long story short, pay your share and do what's right for everyone, then a huge chunk of this mess, if not al of it, would go away... I Like this article from Warren Buffet in the New York Times, by the way...

Enough with taxes. moving on...

There are some people who shouldn't have guns... Like Homer Simpson...
Guns: With the major shootings in the United States over the last 6 Months (The Aurora Theater Shooting, the Oregan Mall Shooting, and the more recent Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting), the debates for and against firearms have increased dramatically. Listen, I'm not a "gun nut", but that doesn't mean I don't believe guns have their place. The 2nd Amendment states that we are entitled to "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." Keep in mind that this was written during the american revolution and was originally intended to keep his majesty and his army out of your home. With that said, I'm all about having a gun or guns for protection, but basically only of your home/possessions. I don't think carrying one outside for protection is a good idea for anyone. More on that later. I'm okay with guns being used for hunting. I'm not a hunter, but I get it. Especially if you are not just letting the animal hunted go to waste (most hunters I know use a good portion of the animal... and I like deer jerky). To go along with that, I'm fine with guns being used for recreation. I've only shot a gun once in my life (that I remember), but I want to do it again. I want to practice hitting a target, I think it would be fun (nothing like a video game, not as much fun). Other than that, no reason to have a gun. Why do people want to add a firearm to a dangerous scenario? Listen, in theory, I get it. You're attacked, you defend yourself. Now let's look at in a more realistic view. If you're in a public, and a threat presents itself, are you going to freeze up and do nothing, making that gun useless? Or are you going to overreact and hurt yours and/or others? I hope you all realize how often police officers are suppose discharge their weapon (not very often, and the ones that do you hear about getting in trouble)... I remember how many people were saying "If I was in the Aurora movie theater, I could have saved lives"... BS. Between the fast movement of the gunman, the darkness and the light, the commotion, and the sounds, you couldn't have a clean shot (and even if you did, the guy was in body armor)... Maybe it comes down to more regulations/training, that would be an ideal start for everyone. The other part I don't understand are the degree of strength of the firearms available to the public. Hunting rifle, got it. Hand gun for home protection, no complaints. But then you get these multi burse semi-automatic weapons that can shoot a ton in a short amount of time and/or use insane firepower and/or bullets. Why would a civilian ever need those? I get the armed forces use, but why anyone else? For recreation? Why not leave the gun at the event location, locked securely so no one can ever get it? "That's what I was trained on.." So you're saying you can be trained? Why not on something else and more practical for "normal" use? I know what the second amendment says, but I think people (and the gun manufacturers) are taking it 9,000 steps too far.

With all this said, I will say that I do not think Sandy Hook shooting would have been prevented with tighter gun regulation. The guns used were obtained legally, then stolen (maybe they should have been more secure though), and the type of guns used I believe were standard hand guns, no an assault rifle (though I could be wrong).. But, I feel like the Aurora shooting would have been prevented had it not been so easy for the gunman to get his firearms... Check out this link from the Washington Post for some great insight into my thoughts.

We need to do more in the country for mental health, besides adding a label and throwing the sick in a cell.
I feel the bigger problem in this country when it comes to this mass shootings isn't the guns, but how mental illness is treated. It's treated the same as a crime, not as a condition like it should (see what I mean?) I think we are all a little insane, so why can't we get some kind of treatment for this? It blows my mind that insurance companies don't have any additional mental health care coverage anymore. Yeah, I know, it's not cheap, but either is going to the hospital, ER, or any other place for treatment, ESPECIALLY after an attack happens. Obviously, mental health goes way beyond any recent events, but just think what could have happened had any of these gunman had a therapist... And as the link above mentions, they are not affordable, and maybe they should be... "Guns don't kill people, I kill people" does have some validity to it, so instead of doing the "band aid" method and worrying so much about the symptom, why not cure the illness itself? Crazy concept, I know. Here's a reactions to the link above.

One other discussion point that has surfaced recently with the shooting at a school is allowing prayer in schools... really? I know that no where in the constitution does it say anything about the separation of church and state, but come on, we're the USA! We are built on freedom! And religion should be included in that freedom. Are you really that inconsiderate/closed minded that you want to push your religion on other people? What gives you that right? You know your religion is the right one? How? I'm not Catholic/Christian, but isn't it God's role to judge, not yours? I'm not saying don't have your faith, in fact, I'm saying have your faith (some good stuff there), just don't force it on those that don't share the same beliefs.

Homer Simpson did pot when he had his eyes pecked by a murder of he was cured...
Marijuana... Ah yes. Coming from the great State of Colorado (and I mean that), this has been a hot topic lately. I for one welcome the legalization of the most mild previous illegal drug. I love that the tax money is going schools! I love that a drug can be used to help stimulate the economy. I love that by legalizing it, we can do a better job regulating it (from inception to use). I love that law enforcement will have other priorities to focus on. What's not to like? "It's a gateway drug..." In the same way tobacco and alcohol are, especially now. "Marijuana is bad for your health...". So are the two previous drugs mentioned. In fact, this one might be the healthiest of the three, especially since it helps with relaxation and stress. And by taking Marijuana out of the hands of the illegal growing, the number of illegal drug dealers could shrink because they don't want to be involved with the "harder" stuff or, when caught, they could suffer harsher consequences... win win baby. Did I miss anything?

Gay Marriage: You really think I need to express my views on this again? Check out the previous post...

There, my thoughts on some of politics' most popular issues. Comment, discuss, whatever. Regardless, hope you have an awesome holiday season and you ring in the new year (and/or the apocalypse) in style!

'Christmas at Ground Zero' is a 'Weird Al' Yankovic Song from November of 1986, yet has relevance this year...