Saturday, January 3, 2009

So This is the New Year (2009)...

Still looking good Clint...I'm not going to start this blog with my traditional "The New Year" song lyrics (written by Death Cab for Cutie) since I've done it for the last two new years posts, but if you would like to see those lyrics, which are very fitting, see my "So This is the New Year (2008)..." post.

So, without further adieu, let's review my 2008 resolutions...

Working on the results of my dating life so far. Successful? Yeah, kinda. As most of you know (or can read from my previous post) I was seeing Erin for most of 2008, and I learned a lot about a many things, including more about me, what I want, and who I am as a person and in a relationship. Though Erin and I have since gone our separate ways, I really enjoyed our time together and appreciate all the memories and things she had a part in teaching me.

Improving my culinary skills further... Successful? Not really. Don't get me wrong, I cooked a little bit, and learned a few things sure, but really didn't do as much as I expected. Erin did a lot of cooking when we were together, which was great, and because of time and other aspects, I didn't do as much as I would have liked... something to look forward to in 2009 I guess...

Volunteering: Successful? Not at all. Disappointed on this one. I meant to do more, including bell ringing for the Salvation Army, but it just never happened. I can't make anymore excuses, but I want to try to get it going in 2009...

Travel More: Successful? Again, kinda. I was able to do a little more "getting away" from here. Went to Chicago in March, Cabo/Mexico in April, and a few trips around Colorado, including Aspen, Breck, Fort Collins, Estes Park, Pueblo, Springs, and what have you. Had a great time, and look forward to doing more traveling this year.

Professionally, want to increase my income by more than $9K by the end of year: Successful? Roughly 80%. Tough economy, but I was able to get a nice raise nearly the beginning of the year, so right before the market went to hell. Lucky me.

So as you can see, 2008 from a resolution stand point wasn't the best, but it was a good year. I learned a lot and am looking forward to 2009...

... So what are my new resolutions for 2009? Well, as I write these, I'm going to keep the movie "Yes Man" in mind. I went and saw that film over the 2008 Christmas holiday, and I have to say I enjoyed the concept. I'm not going to say yes to EVERYTHING like Jim did in the movie, but I really like the idea of being more open to opportunities in life... So here we go.

Working on the results of my dating life so far... Duh right? Well, I want to keep in mind all the experiences I've had so far with this and learn from them, either to not make the same mistakes again or improve what I am already doing right. Okay, moving on.

Improving my culinary skills further... No joke right? I feel I could have done more over the last year and should have made more opportunities happen... I did learn some great things last year to work into this so I am looking forward to putting that to use.

Volunteering... No excuses this time. I want to do the bell ringing for sure, but I want to do more. If you know of any great opportunities, please let me know.

Keep Traveling... I'm still putting money aside, and I still want to see more of what's going on. I don't think I'll head out of the country this year unless I have someone to go with (I would love to do parts of Europe), but there are a lot of possibilities throughout the country, especially in the East. Maybe go see people I know, maybe go see places I know no one, but I want to get away and see what else is out there... let's see what happens.

Professionally, I want to make more money and get promoted... Yeah, I know, this is very vague. But, with the Economy being what it is, and the changes going with the acquisition of Staples, I don't think raises or promotions are planned this year. But, I have been there 4 years, worked really hard, and will keep working to make more money and possibly get promoted (I am interested in becoming a manager). I really just don't want to be stagnate and will do what I can to keep improving my financial and professional situation.

Complete at least two home improvement projects… I bought a place for a reason, right? I want to get bedroom and living room fans installed before it starts getting warm outside, but other than that, not sure what other project I want to complete. Painting? Carpet? Room decorating? Dunno…. Any ideas?

Learn some new skills and things... I want to learn to play a musical instrument (Piano/Guitar), learn to ski or snowboard (again), and really get a firm grasp on wine, among other things...

Continue being active... Going to keep playing soccer, doing Yoga, and lifting, but want to get back into Racquetball and Basketball in addition doing more things I've done before and things I've never tried. I know I’ve lost some weight this year, and this upcoming year, I’m hoping to add the weight back on in healthy way.

And I don't think this is all I want out of 2009. I'm still playing with being a parent and adopting a puppy, purchasing a surround sound system and/or large, flat panel television, and making my own beer, among other things.

There they are, my 2009 resolutions. We’ll see how they go, and no time like the present to start. Remember, YES! ;)

Anyway, here’s wishing all of you a great 2009 that is more than “just fine”. Feel free to write me, call me, whatever, and let me know how it’s going, since it’s always nice to hear from you.

Happy New Year!


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