Sunday, January 1, 2012

So This is the New Year (2012)

Care and I ringing in 2012!
Once again, I’m not going to start this blog with my traditional "The New Year" song lyrics (written by Death Cab for Cutie) since I've done it a couple times before, but if you would like to see those lyrics, which are very fitting, see my "So This is the New Year (2008)..." post.

But I have a great feeling about 2012... especially since 2011 was pretty awesome... I think 2012 is going to be full of change, and I'm excited about it.

So, without further adieu, let's review my 2011 resolutions...

Improving my culinary skills even more... Again... Fail. I made a few fun meals, but nothing worth bragging about. Ever since Carolyn moved in, she does more of the cooking, I do the dishes. It's a great system, especially since Carolyn makes some great meals, but I hope to at least contribute more in 2012... but I'm not adding this to my resolutions for next year.

Volunteering... at all! Sad. Another fail. I looked into it, and it just never worked out. My only saving grace was my donating in 2011 was much more than years past. At least $20 a month (which will continue to be the case in 2012), plus raising almost $400 for Junior Achievement, and almost $1,000 for prostate cancer/men's health awareness in "Movember"... I dunno if I'll do those events again and/or raise as much cash, but I hope to make up the difference in donated time :)

Complete at least two home improvement projects... Finally, Success! And big thanks to Carolyn for this one. When she moved in, I installed new locks and new blinds, along with buying and assembling furniture (not all of it was from IKEA) and helping Carolyn add her personal touch through decorating and painting. I feel better now.

Learn some new skills and things... Alright, another success. Between brewing beer with my brothers and taking Improv classes compliments of Carolyn, I feel like I learned a lot and I'm lucky that I get to keep learning with the beer, and maybe the improv at a later date...

Make some positive moves professionally... Ugh... This is basically a no. With the economy and other factors, no big changes professionally... Could be a lot worse, and I'm not complaining, just wish I could meet this goal.

Physically, I want to gain 10 lbs by the end of the year and be in better shape that I am now... I'm going to go ahead and say this is in progress. To be honest, I think I achieved this a one point in the year, but didn't keep on all the weight (slowed down on my workouts a bit), so making progress, achieved, then loss the goal... but still pushing.

The trend continues, the fam went dog sledding for the 6th year in a row.I want to do an even better job communicating and updating with all my friends... Made a dent and got a start going on with this. Making arrangements for lots of gatherings, including my 30th birthday and a few happy hours...

To go along with that last one, I would also like to spend more time with family... I think this is a success. Luckily I've been able to see a lot of my parents, including holidays and fun events. I've seen my brothers a lot more too, especially since we have been brewing brew together... no complaints.

This one might be a little of a surprise... I would love to catch more shows and observe more culture... Ugh... I guess this is a no. Only went to three concerts and one show... REALLY hope that changes next year...

Finally, I would like to Blog more... Success! Given, my topics weren't the greatest or deepest, but at least I was able to share some thoughts and things on my mind at the time. Now that I've raised the bar...

All in all, 2011, was a great year. Lots of fun hanging with friends and family, and semi productive... now to work off of that for 2012...

Volunteering... SOMETHING! This is the year. Habitat for Humanity, Salvation Army Bell Ringing, SOMETHING would be great! Open to suggestions, and looking for people to join...

Complete at least two home improvement projects... Right now, I'm short on project ideas, but I'm open to any suggestions.

Stacie and Scottie tied the know in August... good times!Learn at least two new skills and things... I have a guitar, but I don't really know how to play it... I want that to change. Also thinking of taking the plunge... and buying a DSLR camera... and I would need to learn to use it (and take a refresher on Photoshop)... We'll see what else comes along.

Make some positive moves professionally... This one is tough. Hard to make a move right now... But I'm 30 years old, I have some great experience, now to use that to use it to my advantage and make some magic happen ;)

Physically, I want to be 150 lbs by the end of the year and be in better shape that I am now... I dunno why I can't hold onto weight... There are worse problems to have I suppose... Anyway, Carolyn and I joined the Paul Derta Rec Center, so my lifting routines can now have a little more variety, and I can play hoops again!.. Plus, guess who's captain of a dude's indoor soccer team? VERY excited to start that again (if you know anyone looking to play, let me know ;)

I want to do an even better job communicating and updating with all my friends... The Happy Hours will continue... As well as game nights, poker games, and a BBQ (tentative)... and we'll see what else I can muster up ;)

To go along with that last one, I would also like to spend a good amount of time with family... We did good on this one, like to go two for two... Think that can happen, especially with the beer brewing continuing...

I'm hoping I can catch more shows and observe more culture...... Part of the reason spending time with my rents won't be an issue is we bought season tickets to the Denver Performing Arts Complex this year... that makes me VERY happy... Hoping some good shows come through the area this year too... it's been to long since I've seen anything at Red Rocks...

We've been hanging with Dave and Layna a lot this year.. and looking forward even more in 2012.Finally, I would like to Blog at least once a month... I like writing. I like sharing. I like giving people the option to read what's on my mind... so why not right? Almost succeed with this last year, might as well role with the momentum... and I already have some great ideas (at least I think think their great). Stay tuned... ;)

Yeah, I know, there's not much new or surprising here, but I have a feeling it's going to be a big year, so I want to leave some room open for things that might come up and/or happen...

Anyway, here’s wishing all of you a great 2012 and that it is more the best year yet (especially since this is the last year before the world ends, according to those Mayans). Feel free to write me, call me, whatever, and let me know how it’s going, since it’s always nice to hear from you.

Happy New Year!

Twitter: clintcrockett
Facebook: clint.c.crockett
Google: clint.crockett
Yahoo!: sit_bits06

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