Friday, July 20, 2012



That is my reaction to the Aurora Theater Shooting that happened the early morning of Friday, July 20th, during a midnight screening of The Dark Knight Rises. Really? Did this really happen? Did someone really do this to innocent people? Did this really happen in the Aurora, Colorado? Was this guy thinking he was a super villain, really?

Before I say anything else, of course my heart, thoughts, and prayers go out to those patrons in the theater, those who know the victims, and the community of Aurora and the Denver Metro area. I can't imagine what some of you are going through and I hope that you know you have loved ones & others ready to assist in any way possible.

The Red Cross is here helping victims and their families.
With that said, I don't think I know anyone directly affected, but that doesn't mean I don't care. In fact, when I hear a child being injured or killed with this, I'm concerned. I have a nine year old nephew who's into superheros, and he lives in Aurora (and frequents the theater where the incident occured), so of course that hits close to home (he wasn't there). There was a three month old injured (and released from the hospital). There were kids, mothers, fathers, uncles, aunts, friends, co workers, and just people in that theater, so of course everyone should be sympathetic and supportive. I appreciate all the facebook statuses stating feelings and emotions, but I hope people are doing it because they feel that way, not because they feel they have to (and I believe the majority are illegitimately saddened and upset about the turn of events). If you want to assist further, make sure to check out The Red Cross for details.

This is the face of the gunman, James Holmes.  Looks pretty normal, right?
"Why?" is a common question... as it should be. Why did this dude, James Holmes, who is 24 and a neurosciences student at CU Boulder a month ago do this?.. My initially thought is, and I hate to say this, but I think this guy took the movies was too seriously. James had his third floor apartment booby trapped, basically ready for authorities to investigate... This sounds like the mind set of the Joker from The Dark Knight, portrayed by Heath Ledge in the second movie of the current Batman trilogy. Neurosciences was something that was explored in Batman Begins by the Scarecrow, played by Cillian Murphy... This guy wanted to be a villain. I'm not saying that's normal behavior by any means, but he wanted to be a bad guy, and he planned for that for sometime. I'm wondering what else will come out of this about him, but I hope he's under close surveillance, as the Joker hurt people once he was incarcerated in the movie... Either way, I will actually be praying for this man's family and for him. Something happened, somewhere, some time, for someone to turn out this way.

I've already heard some political notes/messages come out of this. While I completely agree this is not the time, I wanted to quickly address them. Gun Control, always a fun topic, but I don't think that it means much here. If someone wants a gun, they'll get a gun. Having tighter restrictions would not have prevented this. It's the person with the gun, not the the gun itself. If James couldn't get a hold of a gun, I'm guessing he would have found other methods (in fact, a gun could have limited the impact vs. him building a bomb and blowing up a theater, for example). I've also heard this was an attack "Judeo-Christian Beliefs"... WHAT? Really? This dude, James, is nuts. He wasn't proving a point or doing this for any "valiant" reason. He's not trying to prove a point about an ideal or movement. This was a selfish attack, one that is isolated and will probably never happen again. "Why nobody else in the theater had a gun to take down the shooter?" Really? Because guns and movie theaters do not mix, that's why! That's just another accident or problem waiting to happen, and thank goodness no one did that. But this isn't a political issue, quit trying to make it one.

I am pleased to see some action taking place nationally and internationally to show the significance of the incident. Both presidential candidates have released statements, while Obama cuts short Florida campaign trip because of Aurora shootings. Meanwhile, across the pond, Red carpet premiere of "Dark Knight" canceled after shootings. I'm happy to see this in being taken seriously as situation that could happen anyway, to anyone (not by anyone), and needs to be examined and observed.

Love seeing the support for the victims and the community.  Colorado is strong.
Colorado seems to be a place where lots of craziness happens, especially recently. I know people are reminded of Columbine with this. Is there some reason these both happened in Colorado?.. Nope, strictly coincidental. The high school photo of James is from a high school in San Diego. I'm guessing he moved here for work or school, maybe another reason, but that alone should say there is no connection between the two. Why did I mention this? Because I never want to hear something like "what's in the water in Colorado?" or "that altitude make people crazy, huh?" kind of remark... uncalled for and completely unjustified.

So here are my initial thoughts on this horrible incident. I'm very interested to see what else comes out of this. Like I said, REALLY? It still seems surreal to me. This was a one time thing that will lead to changes, but most importantly, we need to be there for one another, one way or another. Open your heart, discuss, donate, pray, smile. All these can help people and a community that didn't deserve a senseless act to happen to them. Always remember what's important in life, and do not take it for granted. God Bless every one of you.

Batman has it right...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I can't say I am shocked about what happened. I am a little shocked at people's reaction to the event, especially those who ask what humanity is coming to when this happens everyday somewhere in the world.